Mencari Arjuna yang mencari cinta untuk Dia

Tahu tentang Arjuna?
No. Bukan TV show Remy tu. Tapi Remy memang sangat Arjuna. Hehehe.
I have this theory that Arjuna is the nearest to the 'perfect' spouse. And when I have a spouse, I shall refer to him as Arjuna.

Arjuna is actually a character in the Hindu epic Mahabharata. He was one of the Pandava heroes who is skillful in archery. That's why often Arjuna is referred to as the Cupid in the language of love. Alah you've heard the phrase 'dipanah Arjuna or panahan Arjuna' dan tolong jangan tanya Cupid tu yang mana. Sila refresh memory dan ingat a cute, half naked, little guy with wings, curly haired (usually blonde) and always holding a bow and archer.

No one actually knows why I started this interest for the idea of Arjuna. Sebenarnya it began after I watched Lan (of Azlan & The Typewriter) performed the song Arjuna (originally Dewa's) at IB for Muzikal Antara. Haaa panjang kan? Powerful voice singing a great song with catchy lyrics. I was hooked. Here's the video, tapi the euphoric sensation tak sama lah. I tengok live.

The chorus goes like this:
Akulah Arjuna, yang mencari cinta
Wahai wanita, cintailah aku

Dan repeat. Itu je yang diulang pun.

Akan tetapi! My Arjuna is a little different. I mencari Arjuna yang mencari cinta untuk Dia. By Dia, I meant Allah. Sebab jodoh ada 3:
Jodoh dari Syaitan,
Jodoh dari Jin
Jodoh dari Allah.

I nak jodoh yang ditentukan Allah. Dan kerana cinta dia pada Allah, maka InsyaAllah kami ditemukan. Pinjam quote. "Cinta di dalam jalan Allah.. Bertemu kerana sama-sama mencari redha Allah.."

Dan yang paling penting, terpelihara. I strongly believe that I'll be protected from things I do not want because niat utama dah betul. Biarkan cintanya untuk Dia, sebab dari situ cinta itu akan sampai kepada aku.

P/s: Salahkan speaking test for English course yang bertopik early marriage. I am pro early marriage! Que Maher Zain's For the Rest of My Life as background music.

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