The way we were brought up

Was talking to Abg Ayis earlier. Asked his opinions about studying abroad. He told me bout his experience studying in UK. Said it was in a better environment. Less pressure because the lecturers are sporting, no assabiyyah among peers. Easier to make friends. I said maybe its because we got less nagging in our ears. Dah jauh, jarang kena leter la obviously.

To which his reply was "Somestimes bila takde benda tu rasa tak lengkap..hehehe. so now as an adult, just take it in and make it into a joke. Memang sakit hati jugak dengar but its better to get told off because it means they still care about you".

Exactly! I have the same thoughts too. Sebab bila tak kena marah tu I'll get this awkward feeling. Its like im anticipating for it to happen. If seminggu tak kene sound, tak bertekak, macam something's missing. No Ma, doesnt mean Im asking for it to happen.

Look at how corrupted our minds are. Hahahaha! Being brought up in an environment 'sorang berbunyi, lagi 10 tolong sambung' kena get use to it. Telinga memang almost always panas. Just have to live with it. It never ends. Dari kecik, sampai ke besar dah beranak-pinak. Its going to stay. Until you have your own generation. Even then, I doubt its the end.

Cousins, i hereby tag u to note down your experience.
And by the way this post is not trashing anybody.
Find your positive point of view.


  1. "Being brought up in an environment 'sorang berbunyi, lagi 10 tolong sambung' kena get use to it. Telinga memang almost always panas. Just have to live with it. It never ends. Dari kecik, sampai ke besar dah beranak-pinak. Its going to stay. Until you have your own generation. Even then, I doubt its the end.

    Cousins, i hereby tag u to note down your experience."

    Dear daughter

    Could you please bring up this topic in our group website??? more appropriate to wash our dirty linens there rather than here don't you think so???

    Don't worry. We r all v.civilized. There won't be any war. But telinga mesti ada panas sikitlah!. Heheheh...K.Long and Abg Ben and their other siblings would love to air some of their hot opinions, I think.
    Gd choice of topic for a family discussion.


  2. Ha ha ha, I'm not going to get involved. But you know your ma...All the best.-The editor

  3. Too late. Already did. Through facebook. And i did tag them there.

    Btw, gila cepat comment! Dahlah i got to know from K.lisha.
    And im a blog narcissist.
    Slalu refresh to check update.

  4. i dont think she intends to wash any dirty laundry anywhere lah mak zan. semua family pun ada kes 'sorang bunyi, 10 tolong sambung'. it happens in my family too. only my mom sorang can equal to all 10 orang. haha. and like her, i also never see it's going to end, even sekarang when i already have my own family. even orang yg dah takde pun bleh ungkit guna nama dia for instance "your arwah tokmak would not like it if you do such things!"

    and im not defending farah coz i myself am a wanker who talks about everything on her blog, but because i can relate to her, and most people who reads her blog can relate to her also.

    sorry if you dont see it the way i do. just giving my 2 cents.

    and btw fah, fine lah i tak pernah study overseas, but melaka was far enough. it's true what abg ayis says (of course lah i have to agree kan, pffbt) the freedom is nice, you'll learn more, experience more, and get to fidn yourself, grow up and be mature ... but once you're far away from the sweet nagging voice of your mom, you will definitely miss her even more. i called my mom EVERYDAY, ok? just to hear her nag and make me feel like home. and you'll appreciate her even more, yelah kena buat laundry sendiri, kemas bilik sendiri, sometime terlajak tido coz your mom isnt there to wake you up for class.

    but with the freedom, comes great responsibility. you not only have your own maruah to jaga. but your parents' and other extended family as well. it's all a matter of self-control.

    sorry, panjang gila. shit man, i'm naggy! like my mom! hahhaa

  5. Well said, lisha.
    Like what my arwah mak said" Engkau orang akan merasakannya bila sampai giliran engkau orang".

    It is a cycle, right? Mak was always right and we with grownup children of our own, are all experiencing what she had gone tru, bitter and sweet moments of growing up the likes of Farah, Sheera, U, E, Jiul, Aiman, Ayis etc etc etc but we don't love and care for you any less.

    So tebalkan telinga, jangan pekakkan telinga kay??


  6. betullah tu mak zan, and now, i think, having my own daughter, i will turn out to be like my mom also. i know she'll hate me, as teenagers always will, but it's all out of love. it's vicious cycle. a mobius strip.

    BUTTTTTT ... talking from a daughter's point of view .. mmg tak dinafikan, sakit telinga dan sakit jiwa bila asyik kena bebel about the same things over and over again. lagi bertambah sakit bila orang2 yg tak semena2 masuk campur and membebel to you some more. anak dia sendiri tak reti pulak jaga, sibuk nak membebel kat anak orang. believe me, there's a lot of this kinds of uncle & aunty on my side like this. my bros & cousins also tension i tell you.

    and besides, it's not like we're not listening. but i think ONCE is enough lah. i know parents have their kid's best interest at heart and they have gone thru it themselves, but sometimes the parents aren't always right. we can only set a guideline. our kids are bound to repeat our mistakes no matter how much we try to avoid it. like you said, it is a cycle.

    sorry lah fah, ur comment box terus jadi forum. :p

  7. apsal gua punya comment kt facebook tak masuk direct kat sini??:-p...cis!!tak advance laa blog ni...haha!!
