Rantai Revelation yang berlecak - ARUS

Harap maaf kerana
  • Gambar tak lawa, tak clear, dan gelap
  • Takde elaboration sebab saya tak enjoy
ARUS slalu funky2, entertaining dan gempak. Harini macam tak berapa pula. Maybe its the venue yang penuh dengan lecak. Aku dah lah memang penggeli bab2 kekotoran kat kaki. Memang takleh terima. Haritu sume lipat seluar. Pakchaq cakap, masuk bendang. Yerp! It was that bad. Dengan hujan lesah nye lagi.

Sound system tak best, mic tak dengar. And they have too many things going on. Banyak sgt sound. Macam agak semak. And the company wasn't bad. Cuma kali ni made up of orang yang tak rapat sangat. Semua kenal2 macam tu je. Slalu dengan dorang ni, everyone who knows everyone. Even if we don't know each other well tapi senang bergaul. Ntah. Tak enjoy lah senang cerita.


  1. sponsor kasi duit mna nak cukupkan semua expenses la bro. sewa2 menda len pn mhl jgk.
    so xdpt la nk sewa equipment yg gempak2. sbb tu sound system x mcm kt concert. rse semak sebb buat outdoor kan, sbb tu arus bunyi x dipantulkan. so xsedap la sgt. mntak maaf dari segi tu. ape2 pn, its an art event, no need to be fancy, just enjoy wut they've got. penat kot dorg work their ass for each event.

  2. sweety, firstly im a girl like u..

    personally, im not trashing rantai for the lecak and hujan.
    the event was good. i actually liked the artwork based on Salina.
    and the books on sale. buku jarang dpt jumpa.

    it just so happens masa Arus perform,hujan. and this time around dorang perform with more sounds than they usually do. not use to it. didnt like it. im entitled to my own opinion. and they're fine with it.

    it was okay, cuma lack of quality je lah.

  3. anda cuma pg semata2 band performance saja ke?...kasihanlah anda

  4. lov rantai show this year more arrange i guess :P
    Wah interesting pics gud job to you : D , I wonder if u like this site www.kamibergeraksatu.wordpress.com do check it out kinda cool hihihi

  5. do u noe kite dilink oleh blog rantai kerana mengecam hebat program mereka?
    kesian diorg. xleh terima kebenaran. camne art scene kite nk maju?
    kite leh tubuhkn pertubuhan membngkang event rantai 08 sbb mereka mengatakanny.
