How come I'm back where I started

I love that lyric of Radiohead's song. Dan kali ni, memang tepat-tepat kenalah kan.

Dulu masa sekolah, I don't have a group of my own. No clique. The desperation to fit in was really really hard.

When I got into uni, it wasn't that bad. It was actually quite easy. 3, 4 gang terus. The original gang, the art boys, the photo phamily, Timah. Ada banyak. Tapi agaknya sebab nature tak reti duduk setempat tu, there was never any group I belong.

I thought at least my housemates are THE group. Ingatkan yang akan kawan sampai ke tua tu adalah dengan mereka. Well I thought wrong.

Finally today 6days short of leaving the diploma phase, I came to the realisation that I still don't belong! Its funny if its not depressing.

There's no hatred, don't worry. I care to much about friendship to put hate in the equation. Hurt. That I am.



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