Those girls are the pretty ones, not hot but not plain Jane either. She's in between. Attractive and approachable. And the best things about Those Girls are they know they can get them boys, they can choose anyone they like and they ALWAYS play the field. In short, those girls are the kind who 'like them, and leave them'.
I hate Those Girls!
- For being pretty and knowing they are good looking enough for many boys.
- They have MANY boys to choose from.
- Those boys are usually kind. Too kind that they don't know they'll end up getting played.
- Those girls are users.
- They don't know what they want, therefore they give hopes to many guys.
- They kept doing it again and again.
- Despite it all Those Girls are kind and nice. That's why boys don't realise that they actually are being gamed.
- And that my friends, are the reason I dont want to be the matchmaker!
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