Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes

I malas nak type cerita. Suffice to say I've been out and about spreading the love with my girlfriends all around.

Slept over at Lya's and had a really great tourist session with her. We went to CBN to get her recommendation letter. To BB to send her application for something. To Levain for a really late lunch. To Beryl's Chocolate Kingdom to sample free chocolates (and get free desserts). To KLCC to catch a movie but end up sampling free Japanese food at Parkson. And got myself a pair of Aqua Green Converse. To fun fair at Shah Alam and finally head back home. Very tourist-y!

Long overdue date with Wawa at Pavilion. We watched Due Date. My forth movie this week. Rad movie! Gila kau dia punya jokes. And that Ethan Trembley punya character annoying MAX! Remind me towards someone I had to endure. Nasib baik my temper is not like Robert Downey Jr.'s character's. Well not anymore.

That night Timah tersayang berkumpul for Phia's 21st birthday and her 3rd year anny with Arie. There were only 8 of us. And everyone had to leave early so TAK PUAS! Tak cukup korum and tak spend time lama. Make me miss them more now.

There I did it again! Konon malas nak cerita. Please lah!


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