Tentang teman rahsia dari post lepas, bukan dia. Bukan jugak dia, definitely not him. Mungkin dia ni kot?
Selasa lepas, kami ke lokasi rahsia untuk sengaja bazirkan masa dan cari supplier bagi projek rahsia. dalam pada itu, sempat juga singgah makan dan lepak di sini.
Okay secrecy doesn't work for me. So does writing in full Malay. Not yet anyways. I like the outing on last Tuesday. I like the place, the tauhu bakar sotong kangkung (terbaek okay!), the company and the feeling of satisfaction. We came to find things needed for projek rahsia and we did! Memang puas hati. The thing i enjoy most is the conversation we had. All 4 of us seems to be comfortable with each other, and i thank god for that. Lets do this again!
Futnot: gambar gegar sebab saya tak reti setting camera utk shot malam dan tak tonjolkan muka sebab konon-konon nak mysterious. Hehe
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