It's 1 am. I ought to be sleeping.
But I accidentally just started browsing photos from my travels.

I miss speaking in broken Korean and people actually understand and respond accordingly. I miss saying sentences with yo in the end. Here we only got lah. It doesn't work if I say lapar-yo.

I miss their food. Spicy but boleh tahan. Air sejuk free in all restaurants despite it being winter. Awesome street snacks. Rindunya!

Hi! I've been busy, and travelling.
Also busy travelling.

I'm thinking of sharing the article I wrote about Japan trip here. Remember when I tried and failed miserably writing in Bahasa Melayu for one of the Boracay post? Well actually it was a preparation for the Tokyo trip.

In a miraculous turn of event, I got selected to represent a publication - Cuti Cuti for a media fam trip last January. Which meant...all expenses paid trip to Tokyo! They flew me there for 5 days, and brought me to good place. Did I enjoy it? It wasn't so bad. The bad part was walking in new boots at fast pace like the Japanese.

The article is 16 pages (including pictures), about 3500 words kot. InsyaAllah I'll upload it here. Since then, I've been to Abu Dhabi and Dubai in February and Langkawi for LIMA in March. InsyaAllah I'm going of to Shanghai, China this month.

I know, a lot kan. I still don't know what strike of luck I got myself but Alhamdulillah syukur.

Nah! A picture from Tokyo and Abu Dhabi each.