Hi! Sengaja delay in writing about this because I was waiting for the final shower of the year to be done first. Back in May, we had a bachelorette night for Lily and Erin planned by the two Timah who are preggos - Nora and Shara. I only brought myself, yay! (and goodie packs because I'm just like that. Sukar melepaskan kuasa, tapi bukan gila kuasa)
Shara chose a really pretty place for the dinner, Flora Terrace at Hampshire Place. Its so pretty and fairy-like, we all became prim and proper there. It was funny because halfway we were all asking each other "Why are we all quiet? This place makes us hush!"
Naturally, it was just dinner and 5 chatty girls talking about their upcoming weddings, and 2 moms-to-be sharing pregnancy joy. And then there was one girl in red, sitting at the corner swiping her phone away.
And not two weeks ago, we had another hen night for 2 more Timah who have decided they want to start next year as a wife. This time, I opted for a spa day for Timah and of course the brides - Kecik and Phia! We also had a new member joining us. The first Timah baby - Nora's Naurah El Sofia!
The brides to be! |
The place is a nail parlour in Wangsa Melawati, Gossiproom. We love the place, so pretty and spacious and it has a cafe! Which is perfect for us. Lepas habis mani pedi terus pergi makan. And the deco was nice too. People were warm, nice service. Love our first experience for a bridal spa together.
FYI, we now have 7 married Timahs, 2 of them are already mothers (Nora and Shara), Ya is about to pop, Lily and Erin who got married in June are both 7 weeks pregnant, Kecik got married last weekend, Phia next in November and Sara will have her wedding in January 2015.
4 of us left. 2 attached, 2 hopeless cases.
OK. Belanja gambar wedding Kecik satu.