Come back soon

Had to change my url sbb my mum membaca my kegiatan di Shah Alam. Ehem!And....teaser nih, will be posting photos and stories of what have been goin on. Crushes, memacam hal lagi lah pu...

Shammy's bday at Pavilion

Sowy sangat lah lambatnye baru dapat upload.This is back in December '07. Sowy for the dela...

Lama tak update

Malas pun ada, busy pun ada, takde time pun ade.Macam2 jadi baru-baru ni.Memang nak tulis.Im a changed person skarang nih.Trying to adapt and at the same time live according to my principles and values im taught.Tah laa, yang penting im not culture shock and hopefully not misusing the freedom.Baru...

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