Malas pun ada, busy pun ada, takde time pun ade.
Macam2 jadi baru-baru ni.
Memang nak tulis.
Im a changed person skarang nih.
Trying to adapt and at the same time live according to my principles and values im taught.
Tah laa, yang penting im not culture shock and hopefully not misusing the freedom.
Baru je kecoh kisah student UNISEL meninggal sebab accident, dan saya pula sedap2 ronda-ronda keliling Shah Alam naik kereta kawan2.
Entahlaa, trying to keep up with this new life. Adapting and embracing.
Forgetting what needs to be forgotten, caring less and less about other people and just living life of my own.
Cukuplah caring about others and end up being used.
Penat. Emotionally drained. No wonder its easier to befriend the guys. Mereka senang mesra.
Haish! Rindu pulak mereka bila dah balik KL. Weekend je, time bosan. Tepu.
I like my life there. I mix with people who cheer me up, x perlu fikir sangat pasal orang lain. Sorry. Im in a jumbled up emotions. So i write tanpa susunan. Dan keadaan language yang tak tentu arah.
Nanti la, bile dah sober dari this emo mode, ill detailed up and shower this blog with photos. Banyak kot!